New Domain Name Extensions

Internet authorities have recently announced that due to the shortage of available domain name extensions (i.e. “” or “.com”), they are releasing a new set of domains.

Obviously most people recognise the standard domains such as:


But, as most of these have been taken they are releasing over 700 new domains. We have listed some of the most popular domains below. We are not sure as to the value of these, but to protect your business sector, type or location etc it might be worth the investment. No pricing has been released as yet but we would expect them to cost approx £10-50 per year own, and they cannot technically been registered yet, but you can express an interest on owning them. Most are due to be released approx June 2014 on a (global) first-come-first-served basis.




If you are interested in registering any of these domains or would like info on the full 700 domain extensions being made available please contact us to discuss your requirements.

A .academy .accountant .accountants .actor .ads
.adult .agency .airforce .analytics .and
.antivirus .apartments .app .archi .architect
.are .army .art .associates .attorney
.auction .audio .auto .autoinsurance
B .baby .band .bank .bar .bargains
.baseball .basketball .beauty .beer .best
.bet .bible .bid .bike .bingo
.bio .black .blackfriday .blog .blue
.boats .boo .book .boutique .broadway
.broker .build .builders .business .buy
C .cab .cafe .cam .camera .camp
.capital .car .cards .care .career
.careers .carinsurance .cars .cash .casino
.catering .catholic .center .ceo .channel
.charity .charity .cheap .christmas .church
.city .claims .cleaning .click .clinic
.clothing .cloud .club .coach .codes
.coffee .college .community .company .compare
.computer .condos .construction .consulting .contact
.contractors .cooking .cool .corp .country
.coupon .courses .cpa .credit .creditcard
.creditunion .cricket .cruise
D .dad .dance .data .dating .day
.dds .dealer .deals .degree .delivery
.democrat .dental .dentist .design .dev
.diamonds .diet .digital .direct .directory
.discount .diy .docs .doctor .dog
.doctor .dot .download .drive .drive
E .earth .eat .eco .ecom .education
.email .energy .engineer .engineering .enterprises
.equipment .esq .estate .events .exchange
.expert .exposed .express
F .fail .faith .family .fan .farm
.fashion .feedback .film .finance .financial
.financialaid .fish .fishing .fit .fitness
.flights .florist .flowers .fly .foo
.food .football .forex .forsale .forum
.foundation .free .frontdoor .fun .fund
.furniture .futbol .fyi
G .gallery .game .garden .gay .gift
.gifts .gives .giving .glass .glean
.global .gmbh .gold .golf .gop
.graphics .green .gripe .grocery .group
.guide .guitars .guru
H .hair .halal .hangout .health .healthcare
.heart .help .here .hiphop .hiv
.hockey .holdings .holiday .home .horse
.hospital .host .hosting .hot .hoteis
.hotel .hoteles .house .how
I .immo .inc .industries .ing .ink
.institute .insurance .insure .international .investments
.ira .islam
J .jewelry .juegos
.kids .kitchen .kosher
L .land .law .lawyer .lds .lease
.legal .lgbt .life .lifeinsurance .lifestyle
.lighting .limited .limo .link .live
.living .llc .loans .loft .lol
.lotto .love .ltd .luxe .luxury
M .mail .makeup .man .management .map
.market .marketing .mba .med .media
.medical .meet .meme .memorial .men
.menu .mlb .mls .mobile .mom
.money .mormon .mortgage .motorcycles .mov
.movie .music .mutualfunds
N .navy .nba .network .new .news
.next .nfl .ngo .ninja .now
O .office .one .ong .online .organic
P .page .partners .parts .party .patch
.pay .pets .pharmacy .phd .photo
.photography .physio .physio .pics .pictures
.pid .ping .pink .pizza .place
.play .plumbing .plus .poker .porn
.press .prod .productions .prof .promo
.properties .property .protection .pub
Q .qpon
R .racing .radio .realestate .realtor .realty
.recipes .red .rehab .rent .rentals
.repair .report .republican .restaurant .retirement
.review .rip .rocks .rodeo .room
.rsvp .rugby .run
S .safety .sale .salon .save .scholarships
.school .science .search .secure .security
.seek .services .sex .sexy .shiksha .shop .shopping .show .silk
.singles .site .ski .skin .smile
.soccer .social .software .solar .solutions
.spa .space .sport .spot .spreadbetting
.star .storage .store .stroke .studio
.study .style .sucks .supplies .supply
.support .surf .surgery .systems
T .talk .tattoo .tax .taxi .team
.tech .technology .tennis .theater .tickets
.tips .tires .today .tools .top
.tours .town .toys .trade .trading
.training .trust .tube
U .university
V .vacations .ventures .vet .video .villas
.vin .vip .vision .vodka .vote
.voting .voyage
W .watch .weather .web .webcam .website
.wedding .wiki .win .wine .winners
.work .works .world .wow .wtf
X .xyz
Y .yachts .yellowpages .yoga .you
Z .zip .zone
City TLDs
.abudhabi .amsterdam .barcelona .bcn
.berlin .boston .brussels .budapest
.capetown .city .cologne .dubai
.durban .hamburg .helsinki .ist
.istanbul .joburg .koeln .kyoto
.london .madrid .melbourne .miami
.moscow .nagoya .nyc .osaka
.paris .rio .roma .stockholm
.sydney .taipei .tokyo .vegas
.yokohama .wien .zuerich